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Highlighted Resources
Impacts of Cutting Cotton Grass on Sphagnum Moss Growth Trial Report
A trial to determine if cutting areas of blanket bog dominated by common cotton grass or hare's tail cotton grass, had a positive impact on the growth rate of Sphagnum moss
MoorLIFE 2020
Estimated amount of carbon released by wildfire on Marsden Moor in April 2019
A report into the estimated amount of carbon released as a result of the wildfire that occured on Marsden Moor in April 2019
MoorLIFE 2020
Baseline wildfire perception and incidents report - Final report | MoorLIFE 2020 |2017
Establishing expert opinion on the perceived risk and severity of wildfire prior for single species habitats, and the scenarios behind ignition.
MoorLIFE 2020
Final wildfire perception and incidents survey report | MoorLIFE 2020 |2021
Establishing expert opinion on the perceived change in risk and severity of wildfire, prior to and after conservation work has been completed
MoorLIFE 2020
Trajectories for impacts of revegetation summary report MoorLIFE2020 | 2016
Trajectories for impacts of revegetation activities on upland blanket bogs.
MoorLIFE 2020
Roaches wildfire 2018 carbon report (longer read)
A report into the estimated amount of carbon released as a result of the wildfire that occurred on the Roaches in August 2018.
MoorLIFE 2020
Restoration of Blanket bogs; flood risk reduction and other ecosystem benefits MoorLIFE 2020 | 2015
The final report of the Making Space for Water project
Making Space for Water
Monitoring the impact of blanket bog conservation using aerial imagery MoorLIFE 2020 | 2020
Using aerial imagery to monitor vegetation at a landscape scale, rather than the traditional site scale.
Hydrological analysis to prioritise gully block locations - Building Blocks 2020
A report from the Building Blocks project - prioritising 100,000 gully block locations in the South Pennine Moors Special Area of Conservation (SAC) to inform the next 10 to 20 years of moorland restoration.
Our plan for water in the upper catchments of the South Pennines until 2030
A report on the upland management plan for water in the upper catchments of the South Pennines Special Area of Conservation until 2030
Sphagnum Donor Site Monitoring Pilot Study Report 2019.pdf
Study indicating that hummock forming species of sphagnum moss recover from harvesting from donor sites for translocation. Full report - longer read
MoorLIFE 2020 Carbon Audit update report 2016
We are monitoring the carbon footprint of the MoorLIFE 2020 project, with the aim of identifying where carbon savings can be made. This, the first update report contains methodology as well.
MoorLIFE 2020