Guidance for land managers on managing blanket bog
This guidance for land managers and conservation advisers was collaboratively produced in 2017 by representatives of the Uplands Management Group (UMG) in response to a request from Defra's Uplands Stakeholder Forum (USF) for best practice guidance. It is designed to put into practice the joint voluntary Defra Blanket Bog Restoration Strategy agreed by the USF.
The guidance consists of three elements:
Read: Decision making toolkit
Read: Outcomes and Improvements booklet
Read: Frequently asked questions
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To print the Outcomes and Improvements booklet we recommend that you set the paper size and the original size to A3 and print one-sided.
To print the other documents use A4.
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Moors for the Future Partnership has produced this supplementary document to show how blanket bog can progress towards good condition:
We would be grateful if you felt able to sign up to the advice and guidance of the Blanket Bog Land Management Guidance. To do so, please click the link below.
Sign up to Blanket Bog Land Management Guidance
Read: Pathway to good condition
Read: Peat Pipe Research on Blanket Bog
Sphagnum Moss Practitioners Guide
Read Part 1: Sphagnum Moss Practitioners Guide
Read Part 2: Reintroducing Sphagnum Moss Factsheet
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