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The results have been pooled for the ninth annual dipwell campaign

Wed 18 Mar 2020

A healthy blanket bog relies on a high water table for its unique and boggy conditions. Every year, volunteers measure the depth of the water table in hundreds of locations. This is known as Moors for the Future Partnership’s dipwell campaign.The data has been analysed by Partnership scientists, and interesting

Women in Science Day

Mon 10 Feb 2020

Tia Crouch, Senior Research & Monitoring Officer talks about her career in conservation science, and what first sparked her interest in the field of peat bogs! I’ve always had an interest in the environment and have fond memories of regular walks on Dartmoor and summer camping trips with my parents

Molinia management webinar

Tue 04 Feb 2020

Learn from researchers and practitioners who are at the forefront of Molinia managementAs part of our MoorLIFE2020 project, we ran a webinar alongside Europarc Atlantic Isles on the subject of Molinia management. Molinia caerulea, also called purple moor grass, covers large areas of deep peat. It can dominate other blanket

New Guiding Principles for the creation of clough woodland published

Thu 09 Jan 2020

Moors for the Future Partnership has published a set of guiding principles for the creation of clough woodlands in the Peak District and South Pennines.Creation of Clough Woodlands: Methodology and design principles covers information about how to create clough woodlands, project planning, choosing suitable land, acquiring consents from government bodies,

The Bog Standard - the winter edition

Mon 23 Dec 2019

Welcome to the winter edition of our recently relaunched quarterly newsletter, now entitled The BOG Standard, continuing to bring you the latest from the world of Moors for the Future Partnership.Read it online

Measuring the moorland water table: 2019 Dipwell Campaign

Wed 20 Nov 2019

20 November 2019 The restoration work that Moors for the Future Partnership do is underpinned by research and monitoring carried out by a team of dedicated scientists and volunteers – often battling the elements to keep our datasets accurate, complete and up-to-date.A key event in the research and monitoring calendar

‘Moor’ results than ever for local youth climate action

Fri 25 Oct 2019

MICCI, the Moorland Indicators of Climate Change Initiative, is a UK-wide project giving secondary school students the opportunity to take part in real-world climate science. Students from schools in or close to UK National Parks – including here in the Peak District - visit moorland or other peatland areas to

New maps highlight the most up to date information about wildfire ignition

Mon 14 Oct 2019

Latest data brings risk maps up to date The maps take into account the latest data on wildfire ignition across the Peak District.Read the summary reportRead the full reportThe maps have been produced using data from Moors for the Future Partnership's newly updated wildfire database, which aims to collect comprehensive

Relaunched newsletter - The BOG Standard

Mon 30 Sep 2019

Welcome to the first edition of our relaunched quarterly newsletter, now entitled The BOG Standard, and continuing to bring you the latest from the world of Moors for the Future Partnership.Read it online

Moors for the Future Partnership plays host to the Today programme

Mon 09 Sep 2019

As the sun rose over the Hope Valley, Kinder Scout made an impressive, and iconic, background as the history, heritage and future of the National Parks were in the spotlight on BBC Radio 4 recently. Moors for the Future Partnership played host to BBC Radio 4’s flagship news programme, Today,

A truly Bogtastic season

Mon 09 Sep 2019

The emphatic exclamation, ''this is the BEST Bogtastic Van I've ever seen'', sets the tone for a record-breaking Bogtastic season This summer the Bogtastic Van hit record numbers of engagement on its travels across the Peak District and South Pennine moors. Launched in 2018 as part of the MoorLIFE 2020

The conservation works season of 2019–2021 is set to be the biggest yet for peatland restoration

Tue 03 Sep 2019

Following a record-breaking conservation works season last year, the upcoming season is set to be even bigger and see unprecedented levels of peatland restoration work in the North of England by organisations collectively. The planned peatland restoration work spans from the most southerly point in the Peak District right up

'What are the uplands for?’ series by the Heather Trust talks ecosystem services and funding on Bradfield Moor

Thu 29 Aug 2019

Part of a seven-part series discussing ‘What are the uplands for?’, the fifth Heather Trust event in the Peak District – Funding for the Natural Environment – included a site visit onto the Fitzwilliam Wentworth Estate and a conference at Bradfield Village Hall. Supported by Moors for the Future Partnership,

16th year of vegetation monitoring underway to gather 'moor' data

Thu 15 Aug 2019

The restoration work that Moors for the Future Partnership do on the moors is underpinned by research and monitoring carried out by our team of scientists. Currently, two strands of monitoring, restoration and environmental are underway to best understand the changes to vegetation cover and type over time. Restoration monitoring

Harvesting sphagnum from donor sites

Fri 02 Aug 2019

New evidence indicates that hummock-forming species of sphagnum moss recover from harvesting. The study by Moors for the Future Partnership, commissioned by Natural England, aimed to determine whether it is sustainable to harvest Sphagnum palustre from SSSI areas for translocation to nearby sites. It concluded that within five years a

Natural England awards grant to provide Building Blocks for a healthy moorland

Mon 29 Jul 2019

Moors for the Future Partnership has received a boost to its work to restore the moorlands of the South Pennines, including the Peak District National Park.It has been awarded a Water Environment Grant (WEG) of nearly £2 million by Natural England for its project: Building Blocks – Next Steps in

Bogtastic Van buzzing with activity at Manchester Festival of Nature

Mon 22 Jul 2019

At the end of June, a number of nature organisations joined together to create the very first Manchester Festival of Nature. Held in Heaton Park, the festival celebrated Manchester’s wonderful wildlife and featured the Bogtastic Van, offering an interactive experience of life on the moors. Oliver James Turner enjoys the

Moors for the Future Partnership tracks moor achievements with core partner

Mon 24 Jun 2019

Moors for the Future Partnership welcomed core partner, the Environment Agency, onto the moors of the Peak District National Park this month to take a closer look at the successes achieved as part of the partnership. During the site visit, the Partnership walked along the Cutthroat Track to Derwent Edge,

Spring 2019 MoorNEWS out now

Mon 17 Jun 2019

The Spring 2019 edition of our newsletter, MoorNEWS is available to read online now.You can find out more about the new fire awareness leaflet that we have produced and distributed in collaboration with Pennine Prospects, our biggest conservation works season, and our new projects - including the nearly £2 million

A joint wildlife monitoring quest to record Moor Bats

Thu 13 Jun 2019

Moors for the Future Partnership has embarked on a programme of joint monitoring with the Derbyshire Bat Group. This is a first, as the Partnership has never monitored bats within wildlife monitoring programmes.Derbyshire Bat Group has provided a passive detector, security box, memory cards and batteries. Throughout summer and autumn,

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