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The BOG Standard - Summer 2022 edition

Wed 17 Aug 2022

Welcome to the summer 2022 edition of our quarterly newsletter, The BOG Standard, continuing to bring you the latest from the world of Moors for the Future Partnership.Read it onlineSign up to The Bog Standard.

International Bog Day - Moor Reasons to be Cheerful

Fri 22 Jul 2022

As the world recognises the vital environmental importance of peat bogs on International Bog Day (24th July), the South Pennines-based Moors for the Future Partnership will be celebrating its own bog restoration success story as its flagship project MoorLIFE 2020 comes to an end this year.One of the UK’s largest

Report estimates carbon cost of moorland wildfire

Wed 13 Jul 2022

A moorland wildfire caused emissions equivalent to the carbon footprint of a small townMoors for the Future Partnership has estimated the amount of carbon released as a result of a huge wildfire which devastated moorland in the South Pennines. The figure is equivalent to the annual carbon footprint of about

The Anatomy of a Moor

Mon 06 Jun 2022

Join our team of surveyors, taking a close look at what is underfoot.The January day dawns crisp and cold. I meet the rest of the team and we plan the day, inspecting the map to decide the area that each of us are going to cover. Over the next few

First recording of bats on Kinder Scout shows restored blanket bog peatland is boosting biodiversity

Thu 03 Mar 2022

On World Wildlife Day, we celebrate the blanket bog peatlands that cloak the tops of the moors and are home to a wonderful array of upland species, from carnivorous plants to the burbling call of the curlew, to the new nocturnal visitors of foraging bats. Blanket bogs are special peatlands

Bogtastic card game now available to download

Mon 17 Jan 2022

Our peatlands support a range of specialised plants and animals adapted to their environment. Our new set of Bogtastic trump cards will help you learn about some of those species through playing few rounds of cards!Download the Bogtastic cardsThe cards are packed with information and fantastic facts about each species

Webinar- For the love of peat: Inspiring people to care for blanket bogs

Tue 11 Jan 2022

Join colleagues from Moors for the Future Partnership as they discuss the innovative communications they have undertaken to connect audiences to remote and vast moorland environments. As part of the MoorLIFE2020 project, the Partnership has helped thousands of people to build a connection to the moorlands on their doorsteps. Find

The BOG Standard - Winter 2021 edition

Tue 04 Jan 2022

Welcome to the winter 2021 edition of our quarterly newsletter, The BOG Standard, continuing to bring you the latest from the world of Moors for the Future Partnership.Read it onlineSign up to The Bog Standard.

All I want for Christmas is a healthy blanket bog: removing invasive Sitka spruce

Fri 17 Dec 2021

It looks like there’s so much space. Just emptiness everywhere you look. Even the sky looks bigger up here. Is there anything here? Well yes, there is a bog. A type of bog called blanket bog. It doesn’t sound particularly exciting and perhaps at first glance it doesn’t look particularly

Restoring the UK’s carbon sinks: new study spells good news for peatlands

Fri 10 Dec 2021

A recent study has demonstrated a new way of restoring peatlands. A major store of carbon, restoring damaged peatlands represents a significant part of the UK’s plans to reduce the nation’s carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. The recommended target set by the Committee on Climate Change is to restore

Bogtastic play introduces young people to the wonders of peat bogs

Thu 04 Nov 2021

A play commissioned by Moors for the Future Partnership has been entertaining young audiences and introducing them to the wonders of moorland and peat bogs.Bogtastic!, created and produced by Babbling Vagabonds Storytelling Theatre was performed for four days in Buxton’s Pavilion Gardens and played to enthusiastic family audiences.It told the

Working Together for the Great North Bog at COP26

Thu 04 Nov 2021

You may have heard about the Great North Bog over the past few months and wanted to find out more. The formal launch will take place in spring 2022, but the Peatland Pavilion at COP26 will be hosting an information session – Working Together for the Great North Bog –

Bringing the wonders of blanket bog to life on stage

Tue 14 Sep 2021

Moors for the Future Partnership are teaming up with Buxton-based theatre company Babbling Vagabonds to produce a new play that teaches young people to love and care for peatlands of the Peak District.The play – Bogtastic – tells the story of Cottongrass and Bilberry, two Bog Fairies descended from the

Peak District study reveals depths of carbon stored in threatened landscapes

Tue 31 Aug 2021

With the UN Climate Conference (COP26) being held in Glasgow in two months’ time, a new study has found that 9 million tonnes of carbon are locked up in just 8,267 hectares of peatlands in Peak District moors in the United Kingdom.The recent study by Moors for the Future Partnership

Manchester-sized area of Peak District moorland holds 9 million tonnes of carbon

Fri 20 Aug 2021

A study has found that approximately 9 million tonnes of carbon is stored within the peat soils of the Bamford Catchment in the Peak District National Park.If all this carbon was emitted as carbon dioxide, it would be equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions from running 8 coal-fired power stations for

Interactive map illustrates 17 years of moorland restoration

Fri 13 Aug 2021

An interactive map showing 17 years of moorland restoration is now available to view.The Moor Mapping Project was commissioned by Natural England to provide an online map of all of upland restoration carried out in the Peak District National Park since 2003.The map is based on data from Moors for

The annual vegetation monitoring season: Tracking changes on the moors since restoration work began in 2003

Tue 20 Jul 2021

The cotton grass is starting to fade once again, which can only mean one thing. It is that time of year again where our volunteers do what they do best, time to hit the moors in force to monitor the vegetation cover across the hills.Image of the staff team and

From hill to mill and back, the story of the Great Ridge restoration

Thu 10 Jun 2021

The dramatic skyline of the Great Ridge walk connects the summits of Lose Hill and Mam Tor in Derbyshire’s Hope Valley. Separating the gritstone edges of the Dark Peak from the lighter limestone of the White Peak, the ridge walk offers near panoramic views across the Peak District. Heavy footfall

Bogtastic van gets back on the road

Thu 13 May 2021

After over a year off the road due to covid restrictions, Moors for the Future Partnership’s state-of-the-art Bogtastic van – that showcases the iconic Peak District and South Pennines moors - is gearing up to return to action.The Bogtastic van is the world’s first bog in a van! It’s kitted

Moors for the Future Partnership’s biggest conservation works season successfully delivered against the odds

Fri 07 May 2021

Against a backdrop of ever-changing circumstances and a challenging year for nature, we’re pleased to say that the conservation work this year has not only been completed successfully, but has been the largest conservation season to date for Moors for the Future Partnership.The difficulties of working through the pandemic and

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