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Visitor Surveys - can you help?

Tue 12 Aug 2014

The second round of 2014 Dark Peak Nature Improvement Area (NIA) visitor surveys will be taking place in early September.The surveys will build on the data collected in 2012/13. Our questionnaire asks who is visiting our green spaces and why, what benefits people gain from their visits, what they think

Moors for the Future Partnership - a lesson for others says Lord Smith

Tue 22 Jul 2014

Millions of people who watched Stage 2 of the Tour de France on TV may have taken for granted the lush moorlands on Holme Moss as the cyclists rushed over the summit.But Lord Smith, chair of the Environment Agency, knows that just a few years ago they would have been

Journey through our history with the Tour de Yorkshire

Thu 03 Jul 2014

The start of this year's Tour de France will pass through iconic moorlands of the South Pennines and Peak District National Park before heading for the end of the first two stages — known as the Tour de Yorkshire — in Sheffield. Since 2003, we have been working to bring

New audio tours of South Pennine moors

Thu 26 Jun 2014

Walkers can download an audio guide before they upload their rucksack to discover that Romans tramped the very path beneath their feet as they hike the South Pennine moors.Two new “audio trails”, delivered by the MoorLIFE project, are now free to download to smart phones and MP3 players, enabling ramblers

A scientific approach to the effect of upland restoration on flooding

Mon 02 Jun 2014

Three football-pitch sized plots high on the uplands of Kinder Scout could hold the key to reducing the kind of flooding that wreaked havoc in parts of England last winter.The areas are test-beds for a six-year, £1m Making Space for Water multi-objective demonstration project in the Peak District National Park

Bee part of a hive of activity on the moors

Thu 24 Apr 2014

Do you regularly visit and walk on the moors of the Peak District and South Pennines?Would you like to take part in an innovative project?If so why not become a MoorCitizen and get involved in the Community Science Project run by the Moors for the Future Partnership and funded by

Aerial application of lime, seed and fertiliser on Kinder Scout

Thu 17 Apr 2014

Work is planned to begin after the Easter weekend to apply lime, seed and fertiliser by helicopter over the much of the Kinder Scout Plateau. This is an essential part of the programme of conservation works, to ensure that grasses can grow and help stabilise the bare peat that occurs

Visitor Surveys - can you help?

Mon 07 Apr 2014

The first Dark Peak Nature Improvement Area (NIA) visitor surveys of 2014 will be taking place in mid-May.The surveys will build on the data we collected in 2012/13 including who is visiting green spaces and why; what benefits people gain from their visits, what they think of the natural environment

Kicking off 2014 season of moorland restoration

Thu 06 Mar 2014

We have made the most of this year's first real window in the weather over the past fortnight to fly over 5,600 bags of heather brash - for use in moorland restoration work – onto sites across the Peak District National Park and the South Pennines.The heather brash is spread

Moors for the Future set sights on 2020 vision

Mon 17 Feb 2014

Moors for the Future Partnership has set out ambitious plans for development up to 2020 in a new Business Plan which will offer services to a wider market in 2015-2020.A not-for-profit partnership and a global leader in large-scale moorland restoration, our current members include the Peak District National Park Authority,

Yorkshire Water leads major improvement for Pennine moorland

Mon 03 Feb 2014

A significant project to conserve wildlife, improve drinking water and reduce flooding downstream is being carried out by Yorkshire Water on nationally important moorland overlooking Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire.Yorkshire Water has commissioned more than five kilometres of fencing and dry stone walling for its Heptonstall and Widdop moors to help

Celebrating success on Wessenden Moor

Mon 20 Jan 2014

The team kick-started a new working year with a site visit to celebrate the success of gully blocking works at Wessenden Moor. The work is being undertaken for Yorkshire Water, on National Trust owned Marsden Moor Estate, and the effect is already visible. Joining the team of Moors for the

New sphagnum project

Mon 20 Jan 2014

A new project funded by Natural England and Yorkshire Water is investigating new ways of diversifying Molinia-dominated blanket bogs by using a simple treatment such as flailing followed by the application of sphagnum beads directly onto the Molinia.This invasive plant is traditionally dealt with by a combination of burning, poisoning,

Science in the Park

Mon 11 Nov 2013

Moors for the Future attended Science in the Park on 2nd November at the Peveril Centre in Castleton and on the 9th at Bakewell Town Hall.The event was organised by the Peak District National Park Authority's learning and discovery team and provided the public with an opportunity to try out

DIY science on Kinder Scout

Thu 24 Oct 2013

A study is taking place on Kinder Scout to measure particles of suspended peat flowing down erosion gullies using an innovative piece of equipment developed by Manchester University.Each “TIMS” unit (Time Integrated Mass Flux Sampler) consists of a 50 cm long plumbing pipe filled with polystyrene packing beads and closed

A heather haircut for Stanage keeps moorland crowning glory in good shape

Mon 30 Sep 2013

Update: work due to start 16th November.Heather on a popular moorland spot near to Stanage Edge in the Peak District National Park will be getting a haircut in the next few weeks.Tractors will move into an area from Redmires to Stanage Pole and beyond to shape the heather into the

Earthrise filming on Peak District Moors

Tue 13 Aug 2013

We recently took a production team for the environmental television show Earthrise onto the moors at Bleaklow to show them our ground-breaking conservation work – which is helping save the stunning Peak District and South Pennine peat moorlands from the damaging effects of pollution and climate change.Chris Dean, Moors for

School pupils shine in MoorLIFE competition

Mon 15 Jul 2013

Schoolchildren brought their prize-winning stories to life with shadow puppets, acting and animation in a competition to depict “Bringing life back to the moors.”The national competition was organised by MoorLIFE, a five-year project to rescue some 2,000 acres of Peak District and South Pennine moorlands from the ravages of erosion,

Help our bird survey take flight in the Peak District

Sun 23 Jun 2013

Help us in our brand new bird survey in the Peak District and play your part in making a real difference to national climate change initiatives. The survey is part of the Community Science Project and is open to everyone from young families to older walkers. It's easy to take

Be Fire Aware with MoorLIFE

Wed 19 Jun 2013

Visitors to the Peak District National Park can learn how to be fire aware with two new games in visitor centres. The games are the first phase of the delivery of digital interactive exhibits at the Moorland Centre in Edale and the Upper Derwent Visitor Centre at Fairholmes that will

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