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Largest award ever given by EU LIFE Programme to a UK conservation project

Tue 06 Oct 2015

World-leading moorland partnership receives €16 million supportThe Moors for the Future Partnership, which works to protect priority international habitats in the Peak District and South Pennines, has received 16 million euros to deliver the MoorLIFE 2020 project.This includes €12 million from the EU’s LIFE fund - which supports environmental, nature

The last of the English snow hares - citizen science campaign launches

Fri 18 Sep 2015

A major citizen science project will be launched in the Peak District and South Pennines this autumn to gather more information about the enigmatic snow hare, and how this species is being affected by a warming climate.This area is the only place in England where this animal – whose fur

Transforming the backbone of England – from bare black peat to lush green vegetation

Fri 18 Sep 2015

The five-year MoorLIFE project has protected huge areas of the iconic moorland landscape across the Peak District and South Pennines by successfully revegetating vast areas of bare peat.Newly-released figures show that more than 90 per cent of the bare peat targeted has been transformed thanks to work undertaken by the

Listen while you hike with these personal guided walks

Thu 13 Aug 2015

Walkers visiting some of the Peak District’s and South Pennine’s most dramatic locations can now have their own virtual guide to bring the landscape to life thanks to a series of audio trails created by moorland restoration experts, Moors for the Future Partnership.The four audio trails – produced by the

Successful 5-year conservation project protects 2,500 hectares of moorland

Fri 24 Jul 2015

The success of an ambitious five-year landscape-scale restoration project to revitalise vast areas of important moorland habitat is being celebrated.Since 2010 the MoorLIFE project, supported by €5m from the EU LIFE+ fund, and €1.7m from partners, has seen work take place to protect and restore four sites in the Peak

Four free to download moorland-themed apps launched

Fri 10 Jul 2015

Discovering more about the beautiful moorland landscape, its wildlife and vegetation is now much easier thanks to four new free smartphone apps.The apps are the first moorland-themed identification guides that have been created to help visitors learn about the uniqueness, beauty and importance of the Peak District National Park and

Moors for the Future advise on winning project in Northern Ireland

Tue 16 Jun 2015

A bog restoration project in the Garron Plateau, Co. Antrim - the first of its kind in Northern Ireland - has won an award for “Business and Biodiversity” at the Business in the Community Awards 2014.Steve Maynard, Conservation Works Officer, one of the team from Moors for the Future Partnership

MoorLIFE conference demonstrates benefits of partnership working

Tue 12 May 2015

Results from the successful MoorLIFE project show the benefits of partnership working. The well-attended final conference, ‘An Integrated Approach to Upland Biodiversity Conservation’ in March, highlighted the impressive results of the five year project, which restored four areas of Europe’s most degraded blanket bog - Turley Holes, Rishworth Common, Black

MoorLIFE conservation works concluded with sphagnum, slime and a team selfie

Thu 09 Apr 2015

On the last two days of March, Moors for the Future staff and volunteers worked against the clock alongside contractors to put the final touches to conservation works for the EU-funded MoorLIFE project which was due to finish at the end of March 2015.The works were completed on Bleaklow in

Saving our peat bogs with slime, beads, hummocks and plug-plants

Fri 27 Mar 2015

Walkers on Kinder Scout should not be alarmed to see spaceman-like figures spraying green slime all over areas of Peak District moor.They are part of a team of conservationists conducting scientific trials on the best way to re-introduce sphagnum moss onto peat moors devastated by environmental changes over the past

Ancient peatlands to grow again

Tue 17 Mar 2015

Farmers and grouse moor owners are teaming up with conservationists to restore vast expanses of Peak District and South Pennines peatlands, home to extensive tracts of semi-natural moorland with upland heath and peat bog, birds of prey and wading birds.The peat bogs have been in decline since the industrial revolution,

A volunteer's view

Mon 08 Dec 2014

“It's brilliant to be part of something so important”Jane Price - Community Science volunteer“I took early retirement from the NHS at the age of 50 because I wanted to work in conservation. Volunteering is a brilliant way to get experience and to find out if conservation is for you. I've

MoorCitizens wins Lottery funding to help combat climate change

Mon 24 Nov 2014

A new Community Science Project in the Peak District and South Pennines that will encourage local people and visitors to get involved in caring for their local moors has been awarded over £600k in funding.The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant has been given to the Moors for the Future Partnership

World Parks Congress

Thu 20 Nov 2014

This week Moors for the Future Partnership manager Christopher Dean gave a presentation at the 10th IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia.As part of the session – “Blue and green carbon: a new opportunity for protected areas?” in the climate change section of the conference - he talked about

Visitor Surveys - can you help?

Mon 17 Nov 2014

We are planning another round of Dark Peak Nature Improvement Area (NIA) visitor surveys in December.The surveys will build on the data collected since 2012. Our questionnaire asks who is visiting our green spaces and why, what benefits people gain from their visits, what they think of the natural environment

Path restoration protects vital Moorlands

Fri 17 Oct 2014

Visitors to one of the Peak District’s most stunning upland viewpoints will be able to enjoy a newly-restored footpath by next Spring.The popular Whinston Lee Tor permissive path on Moscar Moor, which stretches along Derwent Edge overlooking Ladybower Reservoir, is to be resurfaced with a mixture of gritstone aggregate and

Science volunteer seminar

Thu 25 Sep 2014

Twenty people attended a seminar organised by the science team on 31st January 2014. Members of the science team gave presentations on different aspects of our work.Rachael Maskill started things off with a presentation about vegetation monitoring.Tia Crouch gave a presentation on water quality and showed a video of water

Forever blowing bubbles - our dipwell campaign starts today

Thu 18 Sep 2014

The science team’s annual dipwell campaign starts today – measuring water levels at monitoring sites across the Peak District and South Pennines.Today, a team of thirty-two staff and dedicated volunteers are out checking water levels on nine different sites. A total of 840 measurements will be taken across the Peak

Dark Peak NIA visitor surveys reach over 1000 people

Mon 15 Sep 2014

The second round of 2014 Dark Peak Nature Improvement Area (NIA) visitor surveys took place in early September.A dedicated team of volunteers continues working despite the conditions, which included clouds of midges, to carry out the surveys and bring the total number of completed questionnaires to over 1,100.These surveys build

Fire awareness campaign lights up Peak District moors

Wed 27 Aug 2014

The UK’s first real-time fire risk map has been launched by the Moors for the Future Partnership as part of a campaign to prevent wildfires destroying rare Peak District habitats.Moorland fires cause deep, costly and long-lasting damage to the landscape, wildlife habitats, recreational areas and even drinking water – and

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