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Watch again: wildfire webinars
Fri 04 May 2018
Learn from industry experts about research into wildfires, and partnership work to help reduce them As part of our MoorLIFE 2020 project, we coordinated two webinars alongside Europarc Atlantic Isles on the subject of wildfires. Fires in the wild can have devastating effects on both people and animals.Uncontrolled fires on
Celebrating 15 years of mending moorland at the heart of the UK
Tue 20 Feb 2018
A team of organisations that helps beloved landscapes at the heart of the UK is celebrating its 15th anniversary with 15 unique events.The Moors for the Future Partnership commemorates its crystal anniversary this month but is extending celebrations throughout 2018.A special event took place in Edale on Friday 16th February
Blanket bog conservation work features in new Spanish research book
Mon 19 Feb 2018
A newly published book is sharing guidance and information about peatland conservation across the world.International experts share their insights into the identification, description, restoration and protection of peat bogs including in Canada, Spain and France. The book has been produced as part of Sustainable Ordunte, an EU LIFE+ funded project
Moors for the Future Partnership science team is soarin’ with innovative unmanned aerial vehicle
Mon 18 Dec 2017
A state-of-the-art unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is set to help the Moors for the Future Partnership monitor and analyse the impact of conservation works across vast, open moorlands.Members of the science team had their first official flight with the UAV at the end of last month. The specialist equipment is
Monitoring our own carbon footprint as we help to reduce flood risk and join the fight against climate change
Fri 17 Nov 2017
“Millions of people around the world have suffered – and continue to suffer – from extreme weather events… The message cannot get any clearer. We no longer have the luxury of time. We must act now.”Speaking at the opening ceremony of the UN Climate Change Conference in Germany last week,
Farm sandwiched between carriageways on one of Britain’s busiest motorways looks ‘Beyond Nature’
Mon 06 Nov 2017
The iconic Stott Hall Farm which sits in the middle of the M62 is joining forces with one of our partners, Yorkshire Water, for the ‘Beyond Nature’ campaign.The project is looking to transform how farms across the water company’s patch connect with the land, water and wildlife around them.Matt Buckler,
Donation to Edale School raised by BogFest fell race
Thu 26 Oct 2017
More than £460 raised at the Moors for the Future Partnership’s fell race will help children at Edale CE Primary School learn about nature.In September, the Partnership held BogFest in the village, a conference and festival to celebrate all things boggy. It brought together professionals and the public to learn
Cinderella will go to the ball, but she’ll be wearing hiking boots, not glass slippers!
Tue 03 Oct 2017
Fairy-tale in Edale as rare habitat is celebrated at festival-style conference in remote Peak District village. This September, nearly 300 international experts in peatlands came together to learn, share and celebrate the wonder of bogs at BogFest, a conference delivered with a festival atmosphere.Peatlands are exceptionally important for our wellbeing,
Free public events in Edale to celebrate local moorland
Fri 25 Aug 2017
Guided walks, talks, a poetry evening and gardeners’ question time are some of the free, community-focused events that local people can look forward to as part of BogFest in Edale next month. BogFest – taking place Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd September at venues throughout the Hope Valley
Bogtastic van is picking up speed
Thu 03 Aug 2017
Our state-of-the-art Bogtastic van – that is set to showcase the iconic Peak District and South Pennines moors - is gearing up for its construction phase!The Bogtastic van and will visit town and city centres for people to experience the sights, sounds, senses and even the smells of our local
Conservation work has a proven effect on protecting Peak District and South Pennine moorland
Tue 18 Jul 2017
Work to protect the iconic moorland of the Peak District and South Pennines is having a positive and statistically significant effect on the environment, research recently launched by the Moors for the Future Partnership and The University of Manchester has confirmed.The study brought together 12 years’ worth of data, to
BogFest registration now open!
Tue 20 Jun 2017
Registration for our celebration of iconic uplands and brilliant blanket bogs – BogFest – is now open. BogFest is taking place at venues across Edale on Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd September 2017.Topics to be covered during the three day festival include Peatland Science, Policy and Finance; Natural
Kinder Scout guided walk showcases multi-million pound conservation works
Tue 13 Jun 2017
More than 20 members of the public enjoyed a free guided walk from Edale to commemorate large-scale conservation works made possible in part by European funding.The Moors for the Future Partnership hosted the six-mile ramble on Kinder Scout on Sunday 21st May, to celebrate the 25th anniversaries of the EU
Innovative moorland campaign is Bogtastic!
Fri 02 Jun 2017
The wheels are in motion to bring the breath-taking beauty of the Peak District and South Pennine moors to the people, allowing them to step onto a virtual peat bog without having to get their boots wet!The Moors for the Future Partnership is working on the first ever “moor in
Land Cover Map is Ordnance Survey case study
Tue 09 May 2017
The Land Cover Map we’ve created to help monitor our on-going conservation works is featured on the Ordnance Survey (OS) website. As well as identifying areas that have become dominated by single species, the Land Cover Map will aid the planning of land management and restoration works, and provide a
Free guided walk on Kinder to celebrate conservation work
Fri 31 Mar 2017
Join our team for a six-mile ramble through stunning scenery at 11am on Sunday 21st May, as they explain more about partnership work to reverse 200 years of damage to the iconic Peak District National Park uplands. Our MoorLIFE project worked to protect almost 2,500 hectares of Peak District and
BogFest planned in Edale
Mon 13 Mar 2017
Save the date! BogFest 2017When: Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd September 2017What: BogFestA joint celebration of our iconic uplands and brilliant blanket bogs hosted by the Moors for the Future Partnership and the IUCN UK Peatland Programme. The conference will provide an opportunity to connect with people working
Innovative ideas wanted for exciting new Bogtastic project
Mon 13 Feb 2017
Creative minds are being sought to design and produce inspiring and innovative ways to help the public learn more about our upland blanket bogs.We're looking for designers to come up with engaging ideas for a mobile exhibition (working title ‘Bogtastic Van’), and a series of Static Installations to be placed
Innovative reintroduction of Sphagnum mosses vital to restoration of upland peatbogs
Tue 29 Nov 2016
The plant that formed the blanket bogs of the Peak District is being reintroduced on a scale never seen before in the UK.Used in the First World War as a wound dressing due to its antiseptic properties, Sphagnum moss will help heal the scars on the landscape caused by erosion
Work begins on €16 million project to transform moorland
Thu 01 Sep 2016
Conservation work now underway as part of MoorLIFE 2020 After months of preparations and surveying the first work that will help protect and transform moorlands across the South Pennines and the Peak District National Park is underway. Work has started on the Derwent and Howden moors, as part of the
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