Natural Capital Conference 2024

What Green Financing in the Uplands can do for Business

12th & 13th September

The Crescent Hotel, Buxton

Schedule and site visit information

Where is the conference?

Thursday 12th September

The Conference will be held at The Crescent Hotel in Buxton

Enter the building via the  ?? entrance where you will be greeted  and guided up the stairs to the conference rooms

Lunch will be provided, as well as tea, coffee and refreshments. 

Additional food and drink can be purchased at the hotel or any of the local shops, as the grand hotel sits in the centre of the lovely town of Buxton.

Draft Schedule

The Main Conference

08:30 - Registration and coffee/tea

09:15 - Welcome by Moors for the Future Partnership

10:00 - Keynote Speaker: Tony Juniper of Natural England on the scale of the challenge

10:15 - Liv Garfield of Severn Trent on Severn Trent's investment in Moor Water and why they continue to invest in restoration projects.

10:30 - The Moor Water project - partnership, results, successes and lessons learned for the future.

11:00 - comfort break 

11:30 - Panel: Partnership working - a case study of multi-partner outcomes (Combs Moss)

12:00 - Yorkshire Water, United Utilities and Severn Trent on how to invest in nature

12:30 - Lunch and/or creative session/green sketching

13:15- CHOICE OF TWO: Funding streams advice panel OR Peakland Environmental Farmers workshop

14:30  - CHOICE OF THREE: Natural capital workshop OR Morridge Hill Country Park project OR Peatland code workshop

15:30 - Sion McGeever of Defra on the new government's natural capital direction.

16:15 - Closing key note speaker: Phil Mulligan, CEO of Peak District National Park Authority

16:45 - conference  ends

17:00 - drinks reception and a chance to chat

1:1 networking available throughout the day via prearranged appointments

Mini exhibition on the details of the Moor Water partnership between Moors for the Future and Severn Trent in refreshment area.


There is limited free parking in the town of Buxton.  There are several pay and display car parks. Below are details of parking from the conference venue.

Parking in Buxton

Site Visits

On the 13th September we have arranged some Conservation Works Officer guided site visits to local restoration sites at Combs Moss  and Goyt Valley.

Here you can see the works, understand the landscape and feel inspired about what is possible.

Both sites have are a short walk from where the minibus will drop you off, but worth it for the stunning views.

Sturdy footwear is required - waterproof walking boots or wellies are best.  Also a waterproof coat, as it the moors, you never know when it might rain.

Lunch and will be provided.

Peat dam at sunset


Any questions please contact:

Emma Shaw

Senior Communications Officer - MFFP

Robbie Carnegie

Senior Communications Officer - MFFP

Or contact the Moors for the Future Partnership main office

the moors at sunrise