Private Lands Portfolio: Kinder Scout footpath project

Improving access to Kinder Scout

Improvements to well-used access points onto the much-loved Kinder Scout were completed in the Mass Trespass 80th anniversary year.

Grindslow Knoll path -2012
Grindslow Knoll path - 2016
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Restoring habitats and improving access

We completed work to upgrade routes onto Kinder Scout in December 2012, reducing the effects of foot traffic and water erosion on the moor. The Partnership worked with private landowners as part of the Natural England Conservation Plans Project.

Some 2km of pathway at Grindslow Knoll, Crowden Tower, Ringing Roger and the Nab were enhanced to make walking easier and to restore the internationally important habitat. Flagstones were laid over sections of path crossing deep peat to protect the peat and giving walkers a firm surface to walk upon.

We installed special features called ‘water bars’, crosswise-cut channels, to help reduce the effect of erosion. Heavy rain was turning path surfaces into watercourses, with quickly flowing water washing away peat and soil. To prevent this, water bars at regular intervals now drain the path and divert water away.

Crowden path works - 2012

200 tonnes of flagstones were transported to the remote sites by helicopter  

Works were completed in 2012 – the year of the 80th anniversary of the Kinder Scout Mass Trespass, which paved the way for countryside access across the UK

These improvements allow the surrounding moorland to re-vegetate and recover to its natural state