Cut Gate bridleway

Cut Gate bridleway 2007 - 08

An ancient bridleway linking the Derwent and Little Don valleys has been conserved for many more horse riders, mountain bikers and walkers to enjoy.

Cut Gate view
Cut gate before restoration works in 2007
Cut gate after restoration works in 2007
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We repaired degraded sections of this popular path in 2007 and 2008 to ensure that the surface is built to withstand the thousands of hooves, feet and wheels that use it every year.

Project start date: 2007
Project end date: 2008

Most of the work took place south of Mickledon Edge, with some further works at its junction with North America bridleway near Haslingshaw Ford.

The Cut Gate bridleway route was probably used for centuries as a packhorse trail. Now it allows visitors to access dramatic landscapes to experience the cultural heritage, protected habitats and wildlife of the moors.

Some sections of the route were eroding and encroaching out onto the surrounding moorland, causing erosion, damaging the fragile habitat and making the route difficult to negotiate.

Repairing the damage and improving the path has made it easier and safer for walkers and riders alike. As there is no longer a need for them to skirt damaged sections, erosion has been reduced, protecting an important nature conservation area.

Stone and aggregate used for path restoration was sourced from a local quarry to ensure that it was geologically similar to the existing stone in the path.

Drainage to sections prone to waterlogging were upgraded to route water away from the path.

The bog of doom

Future works

The Cut Gate route was included in the British Mountaineering Council’s (BMC) Mend our Mountains: Make One Million fundraising campaign in 2018 to 2019, to provide funds for further sections of this popular route – including the ‘Bog of Doom’ – to be restored.

Read more about the British Mountaineering Council Mend our Mountains campaign here.