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Our Work
What we do
Conservation work
Practical upland conservation
Research and monitoring
Building an evidence base to underpin our work
Raising awareness
Inspiring people to love and look after the moors
Working across boundaries
Landscape scale working unhindered by ownership boundaries
Our projects
Projects and case studies
Moors for the Future Partnership map
Our Purpose
Benefits of our work
Enhancing habitats
Providing homes for a wonderful array of wildlife
Improving water quality
Healthier moors provide cleaner water
Reducing the risk of wildfire
Healthy, well-functioning blanket bogs are less likely to burn
Tackling climate change
Preventing carbon loss from peat
Space to breathe and play
The moors play an important part in health and wellbeing
Reducing the risk of flooding
The unique plants on the moors slow the flow of rain off the hills
Our Resources
Reports and other useful documents
Enjoy the Moors
Get the best out of the moors
Self-guided walks
Free audio downloads to help you explore the moors on a guided walk
Protecting yourself and the moors
Enjoy and protect the moors whilst staying safe
What to see
Special plants and animals to look out for on your moorland visit
Find out about the wealth of knowledge stored locally
Be fire aware
Find out how you can take action to reduce the risk of wildfire
Drawn to the Moors
About Us
The Partnership
Contact us
Get in touch
Our history
The development of Moors for the Future
The team
Meet the people who make up Moors for the Future Partnership
Our partners
Find out about the organisations who make up our partnership
Work for us
Privacy notice
How we use your personal data
Terms and conditions
How we use cookies
The Latest
News and events
Recent news
The latest news and media from our team
Dates for your diary
Upcoming events
Sign up to The BOG Standard
MoorLIFE 2020 news
Get Involved
Donate, volunteer, Citizen Science and more
Meet our volunteers
Why Tony and Jane choose to volunteer with us
Teachers and educators
Educational resources and help for teachers
1% for the Planet
About Us
Information about grants to come here