Ecosystem Service Impacts of Degraded Blanket Bog Restoration
Author: Margetts, J.J., Pilkington, M.G. and Spencer T.
Publication Date: 2022
Summary: 2: An Introduction
This study assessed the impacts on ecosystem services of a range of blanket bog restoration techniques. Heavily degraded sites dominated by bare peat were revegetated, gullies were blocked and Sphagnummosses were reintroduced. Sites dominated by single species – hare’s tail cotton-grass (Eriophorum vaginatum), common heather (Calluna vulgaris) and purple moor-grass (Molinia caerulea) – were diversified by reintroducing Sphagnum mosses.
File Type: report
Project: moorLIFE2020
Keywords: sphagnum; science; vegetation monitoring; restoration; rewetting; blanket bog
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Ecosystem Service Impacts of Degraded Blanket Bog Restoration ( 6.7 MB)