An ecosystem services assessment of peatlands 2014


Publication Date: November 2014

Summary: An assesment of the ecosystem services of peatlands and their sustainable management


An ecosystem services assessment of the sustainable management of peatlands in the Peak District National Park by Dr Jim Rouquette of the University of Northampton School of Science and Technology, on behalf of Moors for the Future Partnership. This assessment looks at the value of blanket bog moorlands and their natural capital, and the ways in which peat is valued from a wide range of perspectives. Workshop participants consistently identified water provision, water purification, climate regulation, erosion prevention, natural hazard regulation, recreation and tourism, aesthetic value, intellectual and scientific knowledge, and provision of habitat to be the key ecosystem services either currently or potentially delivered by the site.

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Keywords: Ecosystem services; Land management; Natural Flood Management | NFM; Catchment; Socioeconomic impacts

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