Annex 7. Sustainable management of peatlands: An ecosystem services assessment
Author: Rouquette
Publication Date: 2015
Summary: From the final Making Space for Water report
This report describes a simple, expert-based ecosystem services assessment performed on eight key policy and environmental drivers for the Upper Ashop Catchment in the Dark Peak. Workshop participants consistently identified water provision, water purification, climate regulation, erosion prevention, natural hazard regulation, recreation and tourism, aesthetic value, intellectual and scientific knowledge, and provision of habitat to be the key ecosystem services either currently or potentially delivered by the site. A large number of additional ecosystem services were considered relevant at the site, highlighting the multiple benefits that such areas can provide.
This report discovers that the restoration and sustainable management of degraded peatlands can deliver multiple benefits to society. Whether the primary reason for doing so is to enhance water quality, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, flood risk management, or to mitigate the impact of future storms and droughts, each will deliver broader benefits. It is important that the key stakeholders in such areas are fully aware of the potential impacts of major drivers of change over the coming years and an assessment of ecosystem services provides a suitable framework to gain this understanding. It can also be used as a first step for setting up Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes.
File Type: report
Project: makingspaceforwater
Keywords: Ecosystem services ; Ecosystem services assessment; Payment for ecosystem services; Multiple benefits; stakeholders; Moorland ecosystem; climate regulation; water purification; erosion prevention; natural hazard regulation; recreation and tourism; Scientific knowledge
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Annex 7. Sustainable management of peatlands: An ecosystem services assessment ( 3.2 MB)