Our Purpose

Beautiful boggy landscapes with an array of hidden benefits

Sphagnum moss takes in carbon dioxide helping to fight climate change

People visit the moors to enjoy the tranquility of vast open expanses and to spot the unique wildlife

The Peak District and South Pennine moors have been described as the most degraded upland habitat in Europe, but they can be restored

Enhancing habitats

Providing homes for a wonderful array of wildlife

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Improving water quality

Healthier moors provide cleaner water

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Tackling Climate Change

Preventing carbon loss from peat

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Space to breathe and play

The moors play an important part in health and wellbeing

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Reducing the risk of flooding

The unique plants on the moors slow the flow of rain off the hills

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Reducing the risk of wildfire

Healthy, well-functioning blanket bogs are less likely to burn

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Wet bog with sphagnum moss

Blanket bogs are waterlogged areas, often in the uplands, made of a thick layer of peat

They are covered in a layer of plants including bog moss, also known as sphagnum. This special environment supports a wealth of plant and animal species.

Blanket bogs in good condition:

  • provide habitat for special wildlife including many endangered birds
  • improve water quality in reservoirs and rivers by preventing erosion
  • reduce the risk of flooding by slowing the downhill flow of water from the hills during storms
  • actively fight climate change by absorbing and storing carbon from the atmosphere
  • reduce the risk of moorland wildfires because in good condition bogs are very wet
  • provide us with an incredible landscape to enjoy at our leisure
  • provide economic and social benefits

Unfortunately, blanket bogs in the Peak District and South Pennines have experienced long term decline, due to a range of human induced factors. This has a knock-on effect on the habitat and its ability to provide multiple benefits to society.